European Union



Project "Promotion of new products and development of the company KONSMETAL S.A. through participation in fairs and economic missions" co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Programme of Mazovia 2007-2013, Activity 1.7. Economic promotion.

The purpose of the activities realized in the project is to establish direct business contacts with potential clients and attract new business partners. The project will enable entry into new markets, branding and promotion of new products and innovative technology solutions.


Beneficiary: KONSMETAL S.A.
Implementation period: 31.01.2012 – 15.12.2012
Total value of the project: 363 638.53 PLN
Amount of funding (EF and state budget): 149 992.73 PLN



Project "Implementation of information technologies by KONSMETAL S.A." co-financed by the European Union under the Regional Operational Programme of Mazovia 2007-2013, Activity 2.3. Information and Communication Technologies for MSP.


The purpose of the project is to implement into the KONSMETAL SA an integrated enterprise ERP management system. Implementation of the project will increase the flexibility of the organization, improve the flow of information and enable continuous control of all processes in the company, from the design of new products, and ending on customer's service.


Beneficiary: KONSMETAL S.A.
Implementation period: 01.07.2011 - 30.06.2013
Project budget: 719 894.40 PLN
Amount of funding (EF and state budget): 249 232 PLN